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계정을 만들면 Bell & Ross와 특별한 관계를 유지하게 되며 사전에 정보에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 또한 시계를 등록하여 온라인 보증 카드, 기술 설명서에 액세스하고 호환되는 액세서리를 찾을 수 있습니다.

계정 만들기

권장 사항

시계의 올바른 작동 유지방법.

방수 관련 정보는 워크숍에서 측정한 압력과 관련된 것이지 실제 수심을 의미하지 않습니다. 개스킷의 수명은 제한되어 있으므로, 샤워 중에 시계를 착용하지 마십시오. 강력한 물줄기가 푸시 버튼이나 크라운에 닿게 되면 물이 시계 안으로 들어갈 수 있습니다. 2년마다 시계의 방수 기능을 확인하십시오. 기후가 매우 습한 지역인 경우에는 시계의 방수 기능을 자주(매년) 확인하십시오.

시계가 올바르게 작동하기 위해서는, 시계에 큰 충격이나 진동을 주어서는 안됩니다. 세라믹 시계를 떨어뜨리지 않도록 하십시오. 세라믹이 긁힘 방지 재질로 되어 있지만, 큰 충격(떨어뜨려 생기는 충격 등)이 가해지면 케이스가 파손될 수 있습니다.

일상 생활에서 많은 기기를 사용함에 따라, 우리 주변에 자기와 전자기장이 갈수록 많아지고 있습니다. 하지만 이러한 자성은 시계의 성능에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 자기 간섭을 피하기 위해서는 자기를 방출 하는 기기(예. 휴대폰, 컴퓨터, 냉장고, 스피커, 전자문, TV 등)에 시계를 가까이 두지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 또한 공항 검색대를 통과할 때는 시계를 착용하지 마십시오.

시계의 매커니즘은 -20°C ~ +60°C에서 가장 정확하게 작동됩니다. 이와 같은 온도 범위를 벗어날 경우, 시계의 정확도가 떨어질 수 있습니다. 열 충격으로 인해 시계 전체 또는 시계의 일부가 손상(크리스털 깨짐 등)될 수 있으므로, 열 충격을 피하십시오. 장시간의 태양광 노출로 인해 시계의 색상이 변경될(다이얼, 바늘, 스트랩의 퇴색) 수 있습니다. 개스킷 또한 변경될 수 있습니다.

오토매틱 시계

자동 와인딩 시계는 손목의 움직임으로 감습니다. 시스템이 최적의 상태로 작동하도록 하려면 시계를 장기간 고정한 후 또는 시계가 멈췄을 때 수동으로 와인딩하는 것이 좋습니다(기술 지침 참조).

쿼츠 시계

쿼츠 시계의 작동은 배터리의 에너지를 쿼츠 오실레이터를 통해 전송하는 집적 회로에 의해 보장되며, 이는 시간 분할을 수행합니다. 쿼츠 시계가 정지되면 사용한 배터리를 가능한 한 빨리 교체하는 것이 중요합니다. 이렇게 하면 누출이 방지되고 무브먼트가 돌이킬 수 없을 정도로 손상됩니다. 완벽한 방수 기능을 보장하려면 배터리를 Bell & Ross 수리 센터 또는 공인 Bell & Ross 시계 제조업체에서 교체해야 합니다.

Bell & Ross 시계에는 매우 복잡하고 정밀한 시계 메커니즘이 포함되어 있습니다. 신뢰성을 유지하고 수명을 보장하려면 2년에 한 번씩 유지 관리 서비스를, 4~5년에 한 번씩 전체 점검을 수행하는 등 특별한 관리와 정기적인 점검을 받는 것이 좋습니다.
브랜드 요구 사항을 준수하는 서비스를 보장하기 위해 시계에 대한 각 개입은 Bell & Ross 수리 센터 또는 승인된 Bell & Ross 시계 제조업체에서 수행해야 합니다.


무브먼트 점검 및 조정
쿼츠 시계의 배터리 교체
케이스 및 스트랩 청소
개스킷 교체
방수 기능 확인
작동 확인
1년간 개입 보장

풀 서비스:

무브먼트의 완전한 해체
청소 및 마모된 부분 교체
청소, 윤활 후 무브먼트 재조립
쿼츠 시계의 배터리 교체
무브먼트 점검 및 조정
케이스 및 스트랩 재정비
개스킷 교체
방수 기능 확인
작동 확인
1년간 개입 보장

품질 보증:

Bell & Ross 시계는 품질 보증 카드에 적힌 구입 날짜로부터 2년간 국제 품질 보증(부품 및 서비스)을 받을 수 있습니다.
Bell & Ross 국제 품질 보증에 조정은 포함되지 않으면 어떠한 경우에도 다음과 같은 사항은 제외됩니다.
- 버클과 스트랩의 정상적인 마모.
- PVD 코팅 긁힘이나 실버 재질의 산화작용.
- 정상적인 사용을 통한 노화의 결과.
- 부적절한 사용(예. 강한 충격, 파쇄, 크라운, 푸시 버튼, 버클의 거친 취급) 또는 사고로 인한 손상.
- 공식 Bell & Ross 서비스 센터나 공인 소매업체가 아닌 제 삼자의 취급, 분해 또는 수리 작업은 이 품질 보증을 무효로 만듭니다.
품질 보증을 받으시려면, 품질 보증 카드에 다음의 사항이 포함되어 있어야 합니다. 시계 모델, 전체 일련 번호, 구입일자, 공인 Bell & Ross 소매업체의 직인 수리를 위해 시계를 보낼 때 항상 품질 보증 카드를 동봉해 주십시오.
국제 보증 혜택을 받으려면 시계를 Bell & Ross 부티크 또는 공식 Bell & Ross 판매점에 반환하고 국제 보증 카드를 제시해야 합니다.

수리 보증:

수리 보증은 Bell & Ross 서비스 센터 또는 Bell & Ross 공인 시계제작 워크숍을 통해 수리를 받은 시계에 적용됩니다. 시계 구입 시 받은 품질 보증 카드와는 별개로, 수리 받은 부분에 대한 1년 간의 보증이 적용됩니다.
어떠한 경우에도, 워크숍에서 제공하는 보증은 부적합 또는 부적절한 사용으로 인한 손상 또는 Bell & Ross가 공인하지 않은 제 삼자의 취급, 분해, 수리로 인한 손상은 포함하지 않습니다.
또한 스트랩과 버클, 정상적인 사용으로 인한 노화의 결과도 포함하지 않습니다.
또한 스트랩과 버클, 정상적인 사용으로 인한 노화의 결과도 포함하지 않습니다.
워크숍 보증을 받기 위해서는 수리한 시계와 함께 필요한 사항이 모두 기입되어 있고, 서명과 날짜가 적힌 수리 보증 카드를 제시해 주십시오


認定販売店または Bell & Ross ブティックで購入された時計だけが国際保証の対象になり、正規品であることを認定されます。

벨 앤 로스는 본질적으로 인증 서비스를 제공하지 않습니다.

공인 소매업체 또는 Bell & Ross 부티크 찾기

벨 앤 로스는 다음과 같은 결제 옵션을 제공합니다:
- 다중 카드 결제로 여러 신용 카드로 지불할 수 있습니다
- 계좌 이체 결제
- 최대 6000 €까지 무이자로 3회 할부 결제


보증 및 유지 보수

We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with further information on the care and precision of automatic models. Despite the utmost care taken by our master watchmakers when manufacturing and assembling your watch, its precision is subjected to the effects of earth's gravity, magnetic fields, impacts and vibrations, and the ageing of the oils it contains. Precision is measured through the regularity of the rate in various positions. The type of activities you undertake may cause slight irregularities to occur. The water resistance may be adversely affected by the natural ageing of the gaskets, but also by regular use of the winding crown, by impacts and by other factors such as perspiration, the use of cosmetics or variations in temperature. Your watch is a high-precision instrument which requires regular care and servicing. To ensure your watch provides the longest possible service life, we recommend having it serviced every four to six years.

The price lists for our operations are available directly on our website. For any specific request, we would ask you to contact us directly. We will do our utmost to ensure we provide a quick response to your request.

Unfortunately, the warranty for your watch will not be extended after a service or a repair. However, any such operation is the subject of a separate warranty. This is a one-year warranty covering the work carried out, independent of the Warranty Card included when you purchased your watch.

The workshop is open from Monday to Thursday between 9 am and 6 pm, and on Fridays between 9 am and 5 pm. To ensure you can make the most of your visit, we recommend that you contact us by phone to arrange an appointment.

Only watches purchased within the official Bell & Ross network (Bell & Ross boutique or e-boutique, or approved Bell & Ross retailers) are certified as authentic. Bell & Ross cannot be held responsible for watches purchased from a non-approved retailer. We recommend that you have the correct information before making your purchase. If you doubt the authenticity of your watch, we recommend waiting until it requires servicing to bring it in to the approved Bell & Ross network. A full and detailed inspection of all the components of the watch will be performed during this service, and the serial number will be checked. If your watch proves to be authentic, an invoice will be created for the repair which will include the serial number and attest to its authenticity. If your watch proves not to be authentic, it will not be returned to you under any circumstances, but will be confiscated as a counterfeit item.

Bell & Ross watches benefit from an international warranty which is valid for two years (parts and labour). This warranty does not cover straps, wearing of surface treatments, consequences of the watch ageing through normal use, or any damage caused by inappropriate use. The Bell & Ross warranty is only valid upon presentation of the warranty card, duly completed and stamped by the Bell & Ross boutique or an approved Bell & Ross retailer. The warranty shall be rendered null and void in the event of any handling or repair operations carried out by third parties other than approved Bell & Ross retailers, watchmakers, or service centres. To benefit from the international warranty, you must take your watch and its accompanying warranty card to a Bell & Ross boutique or a point of sale approved by Bell & Ross.

All Bell & Ross watches are Swiss Made. Assembly and adjustments are performed by our master watchmakers in our production unit in La Chaux-de-Fonds in Switzerland.

Bell & Ross watches are available in Bell & Ross boutiques and from approved Bell & Ross retailers. A list is available on our website They are also available from the Bell & Ross e-boutique, which is accessible in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. We recommend that you always purchase your Bell & Ross watch from the official Bell & Ross Network, whether you buy online or in store.

To allow us to include your watch in the register of stolen watches, please send us your request by e-mail. This request must include the following information: a copy of the official report from the authorities mentioning both the serial number of the watch and the model name. Please be aware that, without this information, we will be unable to register your request.

Unfortunately, Bell & Ross is unable to offer an authentication service. The only way for us to ensure that a watch is authentic is to examine it in the workshop during a service. However, should the watch in question prove to be a counterfeit, we will be obliged to confiscate it for legal reasons. We can only recommend that you proceed with your purchase with the greatest caution, and ensure that the seller provides you with the following elements: the warranty card, duly completed and stamped by an official Bell & Ross retailer, or the purchase receipt, if available, and the box and user manual.

귀하의 시계 특징

It is feasible that there could be an issue with noise coming from the oscillating weight, but it is a phenomenon which is difficult to quantify. The noise comes from the oscillating weight and its bearing. If this noise seems abnormal to you, then we suggest that you have the watch inspected. Please note that without being in possession of the watch, it is impossible for us to provide a diagnostic. To receive the best possible guidance, please contact one of our affiliated partners in the Bell & Ross network. You will find the point of sale nearest to your location here (add the link for access).

Sapphire crystal is a highly resilient material that few other elements can scratch. It is therefore much more hard-wearing than any other type of crystal. Nevertheless, this material is not impossible to scratch or even to break. Scratches, caused by repeated rubbing on items of clothing or against a harder material (such as diamond), can occur.

Bell & Ross only uses alligator leather from Louisiana harvested from certified farms, guaranteeing full traceability and compliant with CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species).

Sapphire crystal is a highly resilient material that few other elements can scratch. It is therefore much more hard-wearing than any other type of crystal. Nevertheless, this material is not impossible to scratch or even to break. Scratches, caused by repeated rubbing on items of clothing or against a harder material (such as diamond), can occur.

We would like to take this opportunity to provide some information relating to magnetisation of the movement. During modern everyday life, we are increasingly exposed to electromagnetic fields which adversely affect the operation of watch mechanisms (loss of amplitude and significant gaining of time). Unlike new technologies which have been developed very quickly, watch movements have not benefited from the kind of advances which would mitigate this phenomenon. To minimise this disruption, we recommend that, whenever possible, you avoid bringing your watch into close or direct contact with electromagnetic sources such as mobile phones, Wi-Fi, security gates, speakers, etc. We regret that we are unable to offer you a definitive solution to this phenomenon, which is not a manufacturing defect in itself.

Thank you for your message and for your interest in our brand. Magnetism affects the precision of watch mechanisms and prevents them from working correctly (loss of amplitude and significant gaining of time). All Bell & Ross timepieces comply rigorously with the standard governing resistance to magnetic fields (ISO 764 - NIHS 90-10) provided by the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH. However, it is quite common for a watch to become magnetised accidentally. As a precaution, we recommend that you avoid bringing your watch into prolonged close contact with items emitting powerful magnetic fields such as connected devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc.), household appliances (microwave ovens, refrigerators, induction hobs, etc.), security gates, loudspeakers, metal jewellery, etc. The origin of this magnetisation effect is no doubt located in your everyday environment. The only definitive solution is to find its source and limit exposure to it.

The water resistance of Bell & Ross watches varies from 30 to 10,000 m. It differs according to the model but will always be indicated on the back of the watch or, for diving watches, directly on the dial. The indication is given in metres, and corresponds to the limit of the pressure exerted on the watch when immersed to this depth.

Precision tolerances vary depending on the manufacturer. For Bell & Ross watches, these are generally 5 ±5 seconds per day for mechanical watches and 0.1 ±.0.4 seconds per day for quartz watches, in line with Swiss watchmaking standards.

Hand-wound mechanical watches should be wound once a day, or at least once every 40 hours. Automatic watches should be wound if they are not worn for more than one day. Watches with a power reserve indicator should be wound when the indicator is in the low zone. We would ask you to refer to the technical instructions to find out the number of turns of the crown required to wind your watch to the optimum capacity.

There are two types of calendar mechanism: the first – with an instantaneous jump – changes the date a few minutes before or after midnight. The second is slower, and sometimes starts to change a few hours before midnight. To avoid causing damage to the calendar mechanism, we recommend that you do not change the date between 9 pm and 3 am.

Most movements are equipped with a fast date correction system (crown pulled out to the first notch). However, to avoid causing any damage to the calendar mechanism, do not change the date between 9 pm and 3 am.

The water resistance of Bell & Ross watches varies from 30 to 10,000 m. It differs according to the model but will always be indicated on the back of the watch or, for diving watches, directly on the dial. The indication is given in metres, and corresponds to the limit of the pressure exerted on the watch when immersed to this depth.

The power reserve indicator only concerns mechanical watches (hand-wound or self-winding). On Bell & Ross watches, it is approximately 48 hours. Some grand complication watches have a power reserve of 100 to 120 hours.

Thank you for your message and for your interest in our brand. A hand-wound mechanical watch is a watch whose mainspring is wound using the crown.

Thank you for your message and for your interest in our brand. Bell & Ross only uses Swiss Made movements, developed and/or selected from the best manufactures: ETA, Sellita, MHC, Dubois-Depraz, Vincent Calabrese, Technotime, etc.

Due to the specific features of Hydromax and Hydrochallenger models, these watches have their own specific handling procedure. They must be sent directly to our master watchmakers in Switzerland so that they can be filled, which may take 2 to 3 months to complete. To have your watch repaired and receive the best possible guidance, please contact one of our affiliated partners in the Bell & Ross network. You will find the point of sale nearest to your location here (add the link for access).

The case of the Hydro/Hydromax watch is filled with a liquid silicone known as Hydroil®. The design is based around the ability to compensate for the dilation or compression of the liquid according to differences in temperature and pressure. However, a bubble of air (up to about 5 mm in diameter) may appear underneath the crystal after a variation in temperature or pressure. This reversible phenomenon does not affect the operation of the watch. During the filling process, the watch is immersed completely in a bath of silicone within a vacuum. Liquid may therefore migrate inside the bezel or the crown. It will disappear after these are handled a few times. The silicone used does not present any health hazards if it comes into contact with the skin. Currently used as an ingredient in cosmetics, it is non-allergenic.

To clean your Bell & Ross watch, you can rinse it under fresh water and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

Bell & Ross watches can be worn during sports. We suggest that you try to avoid both physical impacts and thermal shocks when practising extreme sports.

To ensure your watch offers a long service life, we recommend it is serviced regularly and that you do not hesitate to have it checked, particularly to ensure its water resistance. We recommend that you also monitor its precision, which may vary slightly throughout the year. If your watch suddenly gains or loses time, we would recommend that you have it serviced by an approved watchmaker. A watch displaying this kind of anomaly has probably been magnetised.

According to the diagnostic performed by our master watchmakers, the middle on your watch has suffered an impact which caused the break observed. Ceramic is resistant to scratches, however the material's hardness may cause it to break in the event of an impact. In light of these elements, we regret to confirm that we will not be able to perform the repair under the warranty.

We recommend taking a few precautions to ensure your watch offers a long service life. It is recommended that you do not wear your Bell & Ross watch in the shower. Warm water can actually accelerate the ageing of the gaskets. Also, always rinse your watch in fresh water after you have been swimming (in the sea or a pool). Ensure that the crown and/or the pushers are always screwed back down completely, to guarantee optimum water resistance. It is therefore strongly recommended that you do not use the crown and pushers under water.

We would like to take this opportunity to provide more information about the photoluminescent coating. We use Grade X1 Super-LumiNova®, which is the highest quality available. In this specific case, the coating used is black, and therefore reacts less rapidly to light than the same coating in white, for example. As their name indicates, Commando & Phantom models have been designed to be invisible during the day and emit a certain luminosity at night. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused, but this issue is not a manufacturing defect. We hope that this answers your question.

During the diagnostic, our watchmaker observed an adjustment issue caused by the attached hairspring. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that a watch mechanism which runs every hour of every day, like that fitted to your watch, is unfortunately subject to the shocks and vibrations that it experiences on a daily basis. Our watchmakers have readjusted the movement and checked that it is running correctly.

Unfortunately, we cannot perform any work on the set of hands as this is a specific feature of this movement. The watchmakers have actually deliberately left play in the hands to ensure the assembly is more shock-resistant. This means that an impact may slightly offset the minute hand, but the watch will continue to run and offer the same precision. We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused, but it is not manufacturing defect or a fault with the movement.


To prevent any aesthetic damage to your watch and to keep it in the best possible working order, our master watchmakers recommend that you pay attention to the following points: Do not expose your watch to powerful magnetic fields (loudspeakers, induction hobs, electronic equipment, etc.). Do not subject it to extreme variations in temperature. Do not expose it to very high temperatures. If your watch is equipped with a screw-down crown, ensure this is always screwed back down. After immersion in seawater, rinse the watch gently in fresh water at room temperature. Avoid immersing a leather strap in water. Have your watch serviced approximately every four years.

To have your watch repaired and receive the best possible guidance, please contact one of our affiliated partners in the Bell & Ross network. You will find the point of sale nearest to your location here (add the link for access).

The lead times for repair vary according to the model of watch and the type of work to be performed. For this reason, it is difficult to provide an exact lead time without being in possession of the watch. As a first step, we recommend that you take your watch to our workshops or an approved repairer. Please let us know which city you live in so that we can direct you to one of our retailers or a repair centre.

Our watches are sold with their original strap (with an additional strap for some models) which characterise the model. We cannot, therefore, change the original strap of a watch. You can nevertheless order an additional strap via our online store.

We can adjust a steel watch strap if you provide us with your precise wrist size and they way you prefer to wear it. We will do our best, but we cannot guarantee that the adjustment will be perfect. A subsequent adjustment may be necessary. Please note that you will receive the links removed together with your watch. The delivery time may be extended due to this adjustment

You can measure the size of your wrist using our measuring tool here. Make sure that you print the tool without altering the dimensions, otherwise the results may be incorrect. Please note that the size of the strap may change slightly from one model to another depending on the type of strap and the diameter of the case.

The lifespan of straps made from leather, fabric or satin varies widely depending on the individual and their usage. Their lifespan can range from several months to over two years. Some leathers are more delicate than others. The climate and ambient humidity are key factors when it comes to wear, as is the acidity of the skin and the use of large amounts of cosmetic creams.

Yes, it is entirely possible to choose between the two, but this choice will be based on the strap and its dimensions.

Like all watches purchased form the official Bell & Ross network, watches purchased via the Bell & Ross online store benefit from the Bell & Ross 2-year international warranty (parts and labour).

Bell & Ross provides a wrist measuring tool which can be printed from the website, available for each of our watches. Simply choose the watch you are interested in and then find the corresponding product sheet. Alternatively, we also offer a table which converts a wrist measurement taken in centimetres with a measuring tape into a size.

In principle, all the materials selected and used are tested to ensure they do not adversely affect the health or comfort of our customers under the normal, foreseeable conditions of use.

The Bell & Ross warranty does not apply to either the buckle or the strap, due to the very individual use made of these elements. However, Bell & Ross does provide instructions for use which will allow you to maximise the lifespan of these elements. Please see the document attached to this reply.

Straps made from metal and rubber can have a lifespan of several years, if you follow the recommendations for use.

We would like to inform you that you can easily order our straps from our website by clicking the following link:


Registering your watch on the website allows us to collect all the information and warranties linked to your watches. You will receive an online warranty certificate in case you lose your actual card. You can track the after-sales service of your watch via your account directly. We can satisfy your requests more effectively and will be able to propose products associated with your watch

Log in to your account Once logged in, click on "Register a new watch" Complete the fields required, add a copy of you invoice or warranty card then save We will then validate the registration of your watch as soon as we have checked the information requested.

Our new products may be available for "pre-order". This is indicated under the name of the article in the product sheet. This means that you can place your order to reserve the article. As soon as the article becomes available, you will be notified and we will ship it to your address. The delivery time is indicated in the product sheet. Payment of the article is required to confirm reservation.

Gift wrapping is free of charge for all orders placed via the website. When opting for gift wrapping, you can also include a personalised message with your order.

It is possible to return or exchange one or more articles purchased via the Bell & Ross online store Europe insofar as the entire order is returned, the articles are in perfect condition and they have not been worn. Please consult our returns policy here. You must return your order to us within 14 days of receipt. Please access the "Returns" section in your customer account. If you placed an order as a guest, click here. You will need your order reference and email address. Find the order you wish to return, then click on "Return or exchange an order". Select the article(s) to be returned and the reason(s) for doing so. You will receive your return authorisation and the return slip to be printed and enclosed with your parcel. Return shipping fees are at your expense, except in the event of an error on our part. In this case, you will be refunded for these fees upon presentation of proof. In the absence of proof, these fees will refunded up to a limit of EUR 9 or GBP 9 for Europe. Please your entire order by post to the following address: Bell & Ross – e-boutique 8 rue Copernic 75116 Paris France In the event of an exchange, please indicate the article reference for which you wish to exchange the original article. In the event of a difference in price between the two articles, you will be refunded or debited the difference accordingly. We will make every effort to ship your new article as quickly as possible.

The refund period is 10 days from the date on which you order is received.

We do not yet have a tax-free system for sales made online.

By placing an order in the Bell & Ross online store, you can select a different delivery address from your invoicing addresses on condition that it is located in the same country as the country from which you are placing the order. If you wish to have the order delivered to its intended recipient, for example in the event of a gift, simply enter the person's name and address when selecting the delivery address.

Our products are sold with VAT included. We cover the taxes and customs duties.

If your order is delivered when you or the addressee are absent, our delivery partner will notify you by means of a calling card left in your letter box. As soon as you pick this up, follow the instructions indicated on the card to organise a subsequent delivery date. If we do not receive any instructions from you, a second delivery attempt will be made the next working day. If the order has still not been delivered after three attempts, you will be contacted by a Bell & Ross adviser to obtain your delivery instructions (delivery to another address, reschedule a delivery time). We remind you that deliveries can only be made person to person.

Our products are sold with VAT included. We cover the taxes and customs duties.

Using the transporter's tracking number, your can adjust your delivery if necessary.

To ensure that your orders are delivered quickly, we work with DHL for delivery of your orders. Orders are delivered person to person at the address indicated when the order is placed and a signature is required. We do not deliver to PO boxes.

For Europe, the delivery charges are EUR 9, GBP 9 and CHF 10 for orders of less than EUR 1,000, GBP 1,000, CHF 1,000. For orders costing more than this, free delivery is provided.

The delivery times are 72 hours, subject to the immediate availability of the product ordered.

We accept payment by bank card and bank transfer. For payment by bank card, you may be asked to provide an authentication code in order to ensure the security of the transactions. We also propose payment in ¾ instalments without any additional fees, subject to conditions.

We are committed to ensuring the payment security of your bank transactions. Bell & Ross has adopted the 100% secure Cyber Plus Paiement solution by Crédit du Nord, which protects all the information you send us. The confidentiality and security of each transaction is guaranteed. We use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology, which encrypts personal data, and we have introduced 3D Secure V2, which makes it possible to verify your identity when making online purchases.

You can cancel or change your order directly in your customer account insofar as it has not been prepared and still has the status of "validated". Otherwise, please contact us as quickly as possible. We will make every effort to satisfy your request. Orders which have already been prepared cannot be cancelled or changed. You can return your order in accordance with the terms and conditions of the online returns policy.

You can consult the status of your order by logging in to your account. In your account, you can access the status of your order by clicking on your "Orders" tab. To track your order in "guest" mode, you can click here. You will be informed of the progress of your order by email. After confirmation of your order, the transporter will send you an estimated delivery date. You will then receive a tracking number enabling you to track your parcel on the transporter's website.

The Bell & Ross online store is accessible in the following countries: Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, French Guiana, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Martinique, Metropolitan France, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Reunion, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. Rest of world: Australia, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, United States. It is possible have articles delivered to a different address from the invoicing address, on condition that both addresses are in the same country.

You are not obliged to create an account to place an order. You can opt to place an order in "guest" mode. You will be given this choice when validating your basket.

To place an order via the online store, simply visit the website and browse the catalogue in the "Our watches" menu. When you find an article that you want to order, simply select your size (using the size guide for each article), then click on "Add to basket". You can then continue shopping and add other articles to your basket or go directly to the payment stage. Before paying, you can view your basket, add or delete articles or change the quantities. After this stage, you can confirm your basket. Before paying, you must identify yourself. If you are already a customer, you must enter your credentials (email address and password). If it is your first order, we invite you to create an account by entering your personal information. You can also place an order in "guest" mode, without registering an account. Payment is quick and easy. You can choose from several payment options – payment by bank card (via a secure server where an authentication code may be requested), payment by bank transfer or payment in several instalments without any additional fees, under certain conditions. After this stage, you will receive an order confirmation email.

The invoice for your purchase is available via your customer account directly, in the "My orders" tab


Log in to your account Once logged in, go to "My information" Go to "My addresses" and enter your new address.

Log in to your account Once logged in, go to "My information" Go to "Edit my information" and change your address.

Log in to your account Once logged in, go to "My information" You can change your email address and password as well as your surname, first name, date of birth and telephone number.

To create your Bell & Ross account, please access the "My account" section and click on "Create an account". You must then complete the different mandatory fields in order to register your account. Click on "Save" to validate the creation of your account.

Articles cannot be returned to Bell & Ross stores or points of sale. Any return or exchange must take place via the Bell & Ross online store.

You can place an order by telephone in Europe if the total amount of the articles you want to purchase is smaller than or equal to 400 euros. To do this, please call our Customer Service on +33 (0)1 73 73 93 00. An adviser will take your order and collect the necessary information (articles desired and sizes, delivery and invoicing addresses, bank details, email address and telephone number). Once payment is validated, your order is prepared and sent to you as quickly as possible via our secure transporter, DHL.

All payment and data information submitted via our e-store is secured by SSL encryption. For more details concerning data use, please refer to our confidentiality policy.

Click on "Login", then "Forgotten password" Your email address will be requested and you will receive an email with a reset link.

Log in to your account Once logged in, go to "My information" Go to "Edit my password"

To unsubscribe from the website, we invite you to contact our customer service directly by clicking here.

At the end of each newsletter, you will find a link enabling your to unsubscribe. You can also unsubscribe directly via your customer account. Log in to your account Once logged in, go to "My information" Go to "Newsletter" and click on subscribe or unsubscribe.